Staying Cool with Southern Shade Trees
Rich-Way Landscape
Although summer is the peak time for outdoor activities, such as barbecues and bonfires, southern temperatures can reach upwards of 100 degrees. When it’s that hot outside, staying indoors seems like a far better idea. However, especially if you’ve been waiting desperately for the summer months, staying inside to avoid the heat can seem like a bit of a waste. Waste no longer! With effective landscaping, your yard can become the perfect summer paradise, even when the temperatures get high. There are plenty of ways to keep your green space cool in the heat, but one of the most natural ways is with the help of shade trees. Take a few tips from Rich-Way Landscape to better utilize your summer space!
Using Shade Trees in Your Landscape
Trees are certainly an investment, but are beneficial to your comfort and your energy usage. When put down by a professional, shade trees can cool down a home in the summer and keep it warmer in the winter, leaving you with lower heating and cooling costs. While you may have to wait a while for your shade tree to reach its full potential, full-grown shade trees are less prone to extreme weather, protecting your yard from high winds and snowfall. Well-placed shade trees can boost your home value, as well as provide local wildlife with a place to roost. Consider choosing native trees, as they are typically best adjusted to the soil in your area.
If you have a vision for your new shade tree in your landscape, great! But it pays to do your homework. Certain tree placements may disrupt pavement, powerlines, or even your neighbor’s yard. Additionally, researching trees and possible diseases or pests they may attract will keep you from spending unnecessary money on a costly removal. Always ask a professional beforehand to ensure that the tree and placement you pick will be sustainable overtime.
Other Ways to Keep it Cool
While shade trees are a great option for the long term, we understand that you may not want to sit around and wait for it to grow. There are plenty of other, typically man-made, options for keeping your yard and patio cool in the summer months! A backyard patio is one of the most popular options, utilizing stone or brick for pathing, as well as a cover to keep it cool. If your main issue is the heat radiating off of the paths, consider all-weather, outdoor rugs to keep from burning bare and sensitive feet. Not quite ready to commit to full shade? We hear you! A retractable awning may be your new go-to. Lastly, a pool or pond can give you a place to go for a dip, and cool down the air around you.
Whether you’re looking for softscape or hardscape elements to cool down your yard and home, you can expect the best from Rich-Way Landscape! Give us a call to learn more about what we can do for you, and how we can make your summer more comfortable.