Winterizing your Lawn and Landscape with Rich-Way
Rich-Way Landscape
Fall is a gorgeous time of year as the evenings become cooler and the leaves change colors. With the temperature changes it is also time to temporarily say goodbye to our beautiful flowers and blooming shrubs. Do not worry though, we will be seeing these beauties again in the Spring and Summer. It is time to protect and winterize the yard with plenty of mulch which serves as a blanket and helps insulate plants, trees, and shrubs. Winterizing your lawn and landscape with Rich-Way Landscaping. Here are a few other tips to keep in mind as the leaves fall, and temperatures drop:
- Disconnect and put away garden hoses. Extreme temperature change can crack and damage the hose.
- Put away mowers, weed whackers, chainsaws, and other warm-weather equipment. Experts recommend using up or draining gasoline from power equipment for storage.
- Make sure leaf blowers, snowplows, and other winter tools are ready to go.
- Remember, as you are shoveling driveways and walkways, do not remove snow from your lawn. It offers protection from the elements and provides insulation and moisture.
- Remove leaves and debris over the fall and winter months.
How Should I Winterize My Plants and Shrubs?
During the fall, the beautiful decorative shrubs and plants we put in over the spring and summer are now building their roots. We spend a lot of money and time carefully picking them out and then planting them in just the right spots. So, keeping them safe and healthy over the Fall and Winter should be a priority. Here are some steps you can take this Fall to protect your plants and shrubs:
- Mulch around trees to prevent soil erosion and keep moisture going into the roots. It is also important to mulch our plants and trees at the beginning of the fall season and throughout the winter months. It is best not to let the roots be exposed to wintry weather without a layer of mulch.
- Plants need water even in the fall. Make sure you continue to water your plants. They should be hydrated well, especially on windy, dry days.
- Invest in burlap to cover young perennials or shrubs. A classic burlap wrap offers excellent protection for not-so-hardy shrubs and trees. You can protect fragile perennials with a bell-shaped cloche cover. And remember, just like with your lawn, snow cover protects those plants and shrubs from the elements.
Calling the Professionals Now
At Rich-Way Landscape our expertise goes beyond keeping things neat and tidy during the Spring and Summer growing season. We are also experts at making sure during the dormant months we can boost future growth. The fall landscaping season is the best time to take care of the essential preparatory tasks. By using a professional landscaper, you can rest assured your previously planted shrubs and plants do not wilt and die. At Rich-way Landscape we have the knowledge and professional equipment to get your landscape ready for winter. When we winterize your outdoor space, we are protecting and nourishing during the cold months. Think of it this way, Fall and Winter can be a time to rest, regenerate, and renew. Rich-Way Landscape will help to make sure your yard continues to look its best year after year.